Go with your flow
Last week I was in a low mood because of my menstruation. I had no energy or mood to do anything besides nothing. And when I did something, I did it in slow motion. To me it’s very annoying because I like to do a lot in a day.
My energy level wasn’t only low because of my menstruation itself, but also because of a bad sleeping patron due to:
– the use of prednisolone, a treatment against my muscle disease (MG). In my case prednisolone messes with my biorhythm. Everyday I’m very sleepy around 8 pm and going to bed at 9. Then I’m awake at 4 or 5 am. Going to bed later doesn’t change a thing, except getting a lack of sleep.
– my period. The week before I sleep bad. I think because of a change in hormone levels.
– the menopause, which causes hot flashes at night, a changed sleeping patron etc.
Another cause for a bad night’s sleep can also be a full moon. Maybe I’m related to werewolves 😉 . My belated father had the same problem and this is how he joked about it.
Regarding my bad sleeping patron and lack of energy I can do two things:
- Force to fit in a ‘regular’ biorhythm which needs more energy or
- Go with the flow, with my own biorhythm
Once a coach told me that he also slept bad when there was a full moon. Instead of getting annoyed by it, he made the best out of it by working in the middle of the night, enjoying the quiet and peace. I never forgot his story and now it’s exactly what I’m doing. I benefit from it, because my focus is the best when it’s quiet around me and most of the time that’s in the evening and at night. Instead of trying to fit in a regular patron, going with my flow makes it easier for me and it also saves me a lot of energy which I lack because of my disease (MG). It’s always better to live with your body instead of against it. Even though I don’t always succeed to go with my flow, I still try to work with my body the best way I can. Because when you love yourself (including your body), you try to give it the best you can and listen to it. In my case sleep is a sign that I have to reduce my activities and take some rest on time.
Maybe you have other struggles with your body or in your life. Are you going with your flow or are you trying to swim upstream like a salmon?