
  • He Even Has Your Eyes

    Yesterday I saw a French movie called ‘Il a déjà tes yeux’. In English it’s called ‘He Even Has Your Eyes’. It’s a bit of a chaotic comedy but I loved it because of the original theme: a black couple…

  • Happy Mother’s Day!

    We wish all the mothers and grandmothers in the world, especially ours, a very Happy Mother’s Day! May your day be filled with love, joy and laughter.  

  • Creativity quote Maya Angelou

    Being creative is not tied to your age

    Whether you’re 18 or 81, anyone can create something, something useful! Proof of that is this 81-year old Japanese woman who created her own iPhone app. You may not become famous, but that shouldn’t stop you in trying. You can’t…

  • Passion Quote

    “I would rather die of passion than of boredom“ I just love this quote by Vincent van Gogh, a Dutch painter who like many, became famous after he died. His sentiment speaks to many of us who may feel the…