Podcast gem: Know who you are
Listen to a podcast Listening to business podcasts helps make my work-to-home commute much more interesting. I can’t explain why, but for some reason I can focus better on traffic while listening to a podcast or audio book. Being stuck…
Passion Quote
“I would rather die of passion than of boredom“ I just love this quote by Vincent van Gogh, a Dutch painter who like many, became famous after he died. His sentiment speaks to many of us who may feel the…
Tips to keep your cut flowers fresh longer
The earth laughs in flowers. – Ralph Waldo Emerson Today I’m sharing some tips I got from my dad, which will help you keep cut flowers fresh longer. Mine usually last 7 to 10 days so I get to enjoy…
Fitness update March 31
Back in two weeks turned into four… First I was hit by the flu, which floored me for a week. This happens maybe every 2-3 years, but when it does, I am really out of order. Took a week to…