Vacation and a taste of location independent work
Wondering how working location independent would be, I tried to test this while taking a brief vacation to Suriname in South America, where WiFi and Internet are not always working optimal. A couple of months ago I decided to take…
He Even Has Your Eyes
Yesterday I saw a French movie called ‘Il a déjà tes yeux’. In English it’s called ‘He Even Has Your Eyes’. It’s a bit of a chaotic comedy but I loved it because of the original theme: a black couple…
Happy Mother’s Day!
We wish all the mothers and grandmothers in the world, especially ours, a very Happy Mother’s Day! May your day be filled with love, joy and laughter.
Being creative is not tied to your age
Whether you’re 18 or 81, anyone can create something, something useful! Proof of that is this 81-year old Japanese woman who created her own iPhone app. You may not become famous, but that shouldn’t stop you in trying. You can’t…