• Passion Quote

    “I would rather die of passion than of boredom“ I just love this quote by Vincent van Gogh, a Dutch painter who like many, became famous after he died. His sentiment speaks to many of us who may feel the…

  • Tips to keep your cut flowers fresh longer

    The earth laughs in flowers. – Ralph Waldo Emerson Today I’m sharing some tips I got from my dad, which will help you keep cut flowers fresh longer. Mine usually last 7 to 10 days so I get to enjoy…

  • Fitness update March 31

    Back in two weeks turned into four…  First I was hit by the flu, which floored me for a week. This happens maybe every 2-3 years, but when it does, I am really out of order. Took a week to…

  • 2017 International Women’s Day

    We cannot let this day go by without mention, so to all the women in the world: Happy International Women’s Day! Click on the image and enjoy the video by Animoto.