5 Great reasons to start a blog
Why should you blog too? There are many good reasons to start a blog and the multitude of blog posts on the Internet covering this topic should tell you that blogging is a good thing, especially for the right reasons.…
Vacation and a taste of location independent work
Wondering how working location independent would be, I tried to test this while taking a brief vacation to Suriname in South America, where WiFi and Internet are not always working optimal. A couple of months ago I decided to take…
Being creative is not tied to your age
Whether you’re 18 or 81, anyone can create something, something useful! Proof of that is this 81-year old Japanese woman who created her own iPhone app. You may not become famous, but that shouldn’t stop you in trying. You can’t…
Podcast gem: Know who you are
Listen to a podcast Listening to business podcasts helps make my work-to-home commute much more interesting. I can’t explain why, but for some reason I can focus better on traffic while listening to a podcast or audio book. Being stuck…