
Life can be a challenge. Dare to live it!

Being scared is not uncommon, but to dare takes guts! Dare taking risks and feel alive! We’re experiencing this ourselves and even though we’re not “there” yet, we’re on our way. Life is too short not to try, so go for it and make the best out of yours. Experience this exciting journey with us, the Multi Culti Chicas!

We’ll share our crazy or not so crazy stories as Multi Culti Chicas, including our attempts to earn an income with this blog. We’ll vent, cry or have fun, but our main goal is to teach you something you didn’t know and motivate or inspire you to be the best you can. The sun shines for everyone, but sometimes you have to make a shift to catch the rays.

Some of the topics we cover are: cultural differences/similarities, health, life, relationships, work, entrepreneurship, fashion/beauty, hobbies, shopping and food.

Besides multicultural, the site will also be multilingual as we write in whatever mood we are. Could be English or Spanish, and if you want to know what it is, you can use the translation button on the right to get an idea. Just keep in mind that a computer/machine translation is not 100% accurate. Btw, “chicas” is Spanish for girls or female friends.

We hope you’ll enjoy our stories while learning a thing or two, or get inspired to go out to do your own thing and shine in it too!